Monday, September 12, 2011

Upcoming Show: H2o International 2011

It's that time of year again. The summer is coming to a close, the fall equinox is in the near distance and there's one last show to run through before taking dem show wheels off. It is time for H2o International 2011. If you remember the recap from last years festivities, or better yet were there yourself, you'll know that slot machines are now in, and H2oi is now out of the old location at Ocean Downs racetrack. Thankfully Jay Shoup worked his off-season magic and albeit late in the timeline, has found new digs for the event to take place this year; Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School (!) 2.5 miles north of Ocean Downs. This is the first major change of location for H2oi since about 2000. There have been many fond memories, mammaries and pictures taken over the last decade-plus at Ocean Downs. I look forward to everyone starting this tradition anew in this fresh location. From the pics I've seen, it's a pretty large venue and it will NEED to be. That said, who's up for a game of Racetrack Rd. Frogger?

This years event breakdown is as follows:
  • Saturday September 24th - Big Ass BBQ / Pre-show gathering (12pm-5pm)
  • Sunday September 25th - H2oi Show (9am-5pm)
  • $25 Pre-registration for show/club cars; must be done online by Sept 18th @ 5pm
  • Aircooled, Watercooled, Audi & VW classes
  • 11242 Racetrack Road Berlin, MD 21811

As usual there will be a ton of gtgs for every cool to squirrely grouping of enthusiasts you can think of; have fun picking out what you will do with your time. As usual the main event is on Saturday night at 37th and Philadelphia Ave. Flashback...

Get up and out of the house, drive to Ocean Shtty, book a room and enjoy.

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